University of Patras
Image concerning the ai in teaching program
Artificial Intelligence and Teaching at the University

Date published: 02/02/2024
Subject: CTL training program

The program "Artificial Intelligence and Teaching at the University", which was addressed to the Teaching Staff of the University of Patras, took place online via zoom from 27/9/2023 to 11/10/2023.

The Program had a total duration of 12 teaching hours. Trainers of the program were Professor Nikos Avouris, Associate Professor Evangelos Dermatas, Professor Thanassis Karalis, Professor Vassilis Komis, Associate Professor Kyriakos Sgarbas, and Fr. Professor at the University of Patras Ioannis Chatzilygeroudis.

The sections of the program were the following:

- Presentation of the activities and the framework of the program.

- Language Models, what they are and how they work.

- Pedagogical Uses of ChatGPT and related tools.

- Good practices for the use of artificial intelligence by teaching staff in higher education.

- Machine Learning and its applications.

- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Cinema.